Time is like money. We like to use it. We often waste it. And when we need it there is never enough.
If you actually follow my blog you will have noticed that I haven't posted in about a month. I have had severe writer's block, on top of computer problems, on top of the fact that I haven't had the time sit down, fix my computer and think about what to write....Or have I??
So yesterday I watched like 5 hours of tv. Time Management Fail.
I have this bad habit of instead of saddling up and do when I need to do when I have a lot going on I just waste time and ignore all the things on my plate.
Ephesians 5:15-16 says, "Now walk circumspectly, not as fools but as the wise, redeeming the time, for the days are evil." Other versions say, "Be careful how you walk".
Wise men "redeem" or "buy back" time. Basically they don't let it go to waste, but get everything out if they can. This doesn't mean we can't relax now and again, we just can't waste our time. We need to be productive. Sometimes it is most productive to sit and unwind. If we get so overwhelmed that we can't think or work then we are going to end up making mistakes. But, if we can do something, we need to do it. Fools waste time. Fools aren't careful how they walk. Fools don't understand that the days are evil.
They days are evil, not because they are innately of Satan, but because they are fleeting, and time has a way of working against us if we aren't redeeming it.
Prioritize. I have been taught this my whole life. But, frankly, I'm not real good at it. I do things as they come to me regardless on their lack of importance.
Use. While TV isn't in and of itself evil. Watching 5 hours or more like me is a little excess. I wasn't even enjoying what was on! TV is a great way to unwind and chill out. But after yo"your show" goes off. Turn it off and get back to work. Or if you are a person who can have the TV on in the back ground and work at the time time, more power to you. I am not that person.
Manage. Along with priorities that thing that has helped me the most is keeping a list of everything i need to get done. I'm not a pro yet. But it helps.
The more you organize, manage and use time time to your advantage the more extra time you will find in your day. This is the end meaning of redeeming the time. There is always more if we invest in it. Use this extra time as your relaxation time. But even better, use it as a time to recharge spiritually. Use the extra time you have to pray and study the Bible. Use it to praise God. Express yourself in whatever means he has blessed you with. Breath....but all in good time.
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