Ok, so this isn't my idea. I was listening to K-Love radio today and they were talking about this. It similar to a new year reselution, but a lot more life encompassing. Pick one word that you want to shape your life this year. The word I picked is "opportunity". I have a tendancy sometimes to just let opportunities pass me by. I want to sieze them! If I see an opportunity for evangelism, I want to take it. If I see a chance for a relatioship or new friendship, I do not want to let it pass by without me giving it a chance. I want to seize, not just the day, but the moment. I firmly believe God puts things in our lives for a reason. But the problem is, He can put as much as he wants in our lives, but it does us no good if we don't meet Him part way, take some initiative, and take hold of the chance He has given us. Even if...no. Especially if that opportunity takes me outside my comfort zone. That is how we learn and grow. It is an old economic principle that the high risk can result in high reward. It can also lead to high loss, and this is where many of us get scared...or at least I do. Apply this principle to your life. If you step out on a limb, you may accomplish the greatest thing you have ever done, or you could fall, possibly make a fool of yourself, and hurt your pride. But when its all said and done, that is really all that is hurt. Our PRIDE! We will live to see another day. We still have God on our side. If He is with us who can stand against us and who shall we fear? Right? If we humble ourselves, not beat ourselves up for maing a mistake then we grow from our past failures. And we shine brighter for them.
That is the reason for my word. "Opportunity." But you pick a word that works for you! What are you trying to change in your life? Do you want to be CLOSER to God, family, and friends? How about showing AMAZEMENT; both in how you see God and how others see God in you? Just some food for thought.
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